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Artists' Palette

Artists' Palette - Phase One XF, IQ3 100, 150mm, f/14, 0.4s, ISO 100.

Artists’ Palette in Death Valley is a popular photographer and tourist destination but that didn’t stop me from making my own image there early last month. I had an idea of the kind of final image I wanted when I captured this, it was going to be a colorful image but with good shadow detail printed on a matte photo paper where both the shadow detail and all the hues of the color palette could shine but without the “punch you in the face” color of a glossy paper.

I’ve been debating what matte paper to use, back in my Epson 7900 days I really liked their Hot Press Bright but wanted to try something different. After some reading, I settled on the Hahnemühle PhotoRag, a 308 gsm matte paper with a nice texture thats been around forever. With a calibrated display and Lightroom’s soft proofing ability, the print came out spot on. I did end up leaving the web version (what you see here) with just a bit more shadow contrast as it seems appropriate for that medium.


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