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Merced River and El Capitan

Merced River and El Capitan - Alpa STC, IQ180, 32 HR, ~f/16, 4s, ISO 35

I needed to get away this weekend, so we packed up the kids and went off to Yosemite yesterday morning.   To many it may seem to daft to drive 3-1/2 hours each way to only spend one night at Yosemite but its all the time I had, I love to drive and getting out there and doing something different was important.  I checked the latest weather reports and to my dismay it was calling for rain Saturday afternoon, evening and Sunday.  When we got out there Saturday afternoon, it was beautiful, though it soon started to rain sporadically in different places in the valley.  I managed to do a little bit of shooting in two of my favorite spots, valley view (this image) and tunnel view.  The conditions for a beautiful sunset in tunnel view were there, but alas there weren't enough clouds in the right places.

I awoke early this morning to heavy rain and figured the morning was a loss.  However, the rains cleared up by about 8 AM and we had the nicest weather I've experience in Yosemite valley.  There was plenty of opportunity for photography with clouds/mist rising everywhere and with the sun being filtered though lights layers of cloud.  It was also just beautiful weather to walk around and take it all in, which made the whole trip worthwhile.


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