The last couple of months have been pretty crazy and this weekend was a small bit of normalcy coming back. I've been in the process of moving, first there was buying the new place, then making the new place livable, then moving, then selling the old place. All this and a bunch of traveling. I had to pack up my office at home a couple of months ago including my wide gamut display and my 4900 printer. I can attest that editing photos on a Macbook Pro Retina display for prolonged periods will rot your brain :)
All this craziness is slowly winding down. I finally had the chance to unpack my office this weekend and set everything up. It took a while to get all the heads on the printer cleaned after months of non-use but in the end I even had a chance to make a print.
I captured this image on the last day at Grand Teton National Park. After a couple of days of storms and overcast skies on the last shoot we had the sun start to peek from behind the clouds. I love this kind of dramatic post storm sun and cloud, especially when select portions of the foreground get lit up. I processed this image in Capture One Pro and after a lot of careful dust busting using Adobe Camera Raw I ran it through a touch of Detail Extractor and Sunlight in Color Efex Pro. It felt good to work on an image from beginning to end, including the print all in one sitting again.