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Multnomah Falls

Multnomah Falls - 5D3, 17 TS-E, f/16, 2.5s, ISO 100

Those that have visited the spectacular Multinomah Falls know that it can be a challenge to capture all of it in a single frame.  I knew I wanted to photograph the water fall in the morning light before the sun got high enough to start making things too bright.  I got there with my family (this was done during a family vacation) at around 8 AM and though much of the waterfall was in shade the sun was starting to illuminate the top a bit more.  Normally this is no problem as it is easily fixed with a graduated neutral density filter.  However, in order to capture everything including the very vibrant ferns in the foreground I needed to use my widest lens the 17 TS-E, which doesn't have filter threads and very large bulbous front element.  This was the perfect time to try out the homebrew LEE filter adaptor for the 17 TS-E.  I stacked a circular polarizer and a 2 stop graduated ND for this image and got no vignetting.  I could even shift a couple of mm without vignetting.  This is not a tool I'll use often but when the need arises, its useful.


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