Just our luck, a storm has started coming through the Teton area. It started yesterday evening and its been rainy on and off all day today and its supposed to start snowing later tonight (I already see snow in all the surrounding mountains). Still we left at 5:30 for a morning shoot and tried to make the best of it. For a brief time after sunrise the rain let up and though we were at the Mormon Row area photographing the iconic barn it was opposite to the barn that there was interesting cloud pattern, a fence and trees. It took a few minutes for me to find a composition that I liked and I really wanted to incorporate all of these elements making an image with layers.
One of the nice things about the rain is that the park has less people and the wildlife is a little less shy in coming up to the road. I'm looking forward to the snow especially if we can find some wildlife. Should be an interesting next couple of days.